Custom Hourglass

Visitors to the Just Hour Glasses website are invited to browse the company's Signature Collection which features striking custom hourglass products, each of which is individually handcrafted in the heartland of America. Constructed from solid domestic and imported wood, the custom hourglass of this collection has English hand-blown glass globes. Just Hour Glass offers its signature custom hourglass as a beautiful object that will last a lifetime. Shoppers will find photos and descriptions of each custom hourglass, together with the approximate time measured, and Just Hour Glasses indicates that most are accurate timekeepers to within five minutes. Long before clocks and other timepieces were invented, the hourglass was depended upon for measuring time at sea, in churches, and for cooking. Today, Just Hour Glasses is aware that the lovely custom hourglass products they sell are going to grace homes and offices as elegant ornaments.An interesting and grand use for the custom hourglass is to provide a time constraint on certain board games.

Just Hour Glasses is aware that its custom hourglass is no longer widely used for keeping time, but advises that the tradition is kept by some institutions, such as both houses of the Australian Parliament, which use three hourglasses to time certain procedures. Just Hour Glasses offers a large and diverse range of beautiful custom hourglass products that can be chosen from pieces as small as 6 inches to 20 inches and over. Shoppers can select a custom hour glass made from materials of wood, metal and marble and each range offers the art pieces at prices from under 65 dollars to 150 dollars and up. Thecustom hourglass can measure the passing of just a few minutes or even an hour of time. Factors controlling the time measured include the bulb size, the width of the neck, as well as the amount and quality of the sand.Just Hour Glasses offers stunning custom hourglass products which would make great gifts for special occasions. The elegant green marble custom hourglass engraved with Scales of Justice would be an ideal choice for a newly graduated lawyer or to mark years of legal service of a seasoned attorney.

Just Hour Glasses' custom hourglass, featuring the medical symbol would be an appropriate gift for those in the medical profession. Just Hour Glasses also offers a combination pen stand and three-minute hourglass timer, which is ideal for keeping track of phone calls in the home or office. This functionalcustom hourglass includes a card holder and a plaque for an engraved message. From the wood range of custom hourglass pieces the solid wood Cocobolo wood hourglass is handcrafted from wood grown in Central America and because the wood grain varies each one is unique. Just Hour Glasses also offers the zebrawood hourglass which is constructed from wood grown in West Africa. Making a bold, more modern look, the Ziricote custom hourglass is handcrafted from dark striking wood grown in Mexico and is the heaviest wood that Just Hour Glasses carries.